Oregon Statutes - Chapter 758 - Utility Rights of Way and Territory Allocation; Cogeneration - Section 758.245 - Payment of costs for conversion; removal of overhead facilities.

Upon completion of the conversion of the overhead electric or communication facilities on public lands and right of way to underground, the affected utility shall file a verified statement of the costs of such conversion with the public authority. The public authority shall adopt an ordinance assessing the whole or any part of the cost of the conversion against the real property in the underground assessment district specifically benefited and shall promptly thereafter mail to each landowner a statement of the amount of such costs assessed to the property of the landowner. With the statement the public authority shall mail to each landowner a notice stating that:

(1) Service from the underground facilities is available;

(2) The landowner has 90 days after the date of the mailing of such notice to convert all overhead electric or communication facilities providing service to any structure or improvement located on the lot or parcel to underground service facilities; and

(3) After the 90-day period following the date of the mailing of the notice, the public authority will order the utilities to disconnect and remove all overhead electric and communication facilities providing service to any structure or improvement within the area. [1969 c.385 §8]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008