Oregon Statutes - Chapter 819 - Destroyed, Totaled, Abandoned, Low-Value and Stolen Vehicles; Vehicle Identification Numbers; Vehicle Appraisers - Section 819.150 - Rights and liabilities of owner.

The owner, a person entitled to possession or any person with an interest recorded on the title of a vehicle taken into custody under ORS 819.110 or 819.120:

(1) Is liable for all costs and expenses incurred in the removal, preservation and custody of the vehicle and its contents except that:

(a) The owner, a person entitled to the vehicle or any person with an interest recorded on the title is not liable for nor shall be required to pay storage charges for a period in excess of 20 days unless the person has received a written notice under ORS 819.160. In no case shall a person be required to pay storage charges for a storage period in excess of 60 days.

(b) A security interest holder is not liable under this subsection unless the security interest holder reclaims the vehicle.

(2) May reclaim the vehicle at any time after it is taken into custody and before the vehicle is sold or disposed of under ORS 819.210 or 819.220 upon presentation to the authority holding the vehicle of satisfactory proof of ownership or right to possession and upon payment of costs and expenses for which the person is liable under this section.

(3) If the vehicle is taken into custody under ORS 819.110 or 819.120, has a right to request and have a hearing under ORS 819.190 or under procedures established under ORS 801.040, as appropriate.

(4) If the vehicle is sold or disposed of under ORS 819.210, 819.215, 819.220 or 819.280, has no further right, title or claim to or interest in the vehicle or the contents of the vehicle.

(5) If the vehicle is sold or disposed of under ORS 819.210, has a right to claim the balance of the proceeds from the sale or disposition as provided under ORS 819.260.

(6) Has no right to a hearing if the vehicle is disposed of under ORS 819.215 or 819.280. [1983 c.338 §421; 1985 c.316 §2; 1993 c.233 §64; 1993 c.385 §§5,5a; 1995 c.79 §378; 1995 c.758 §11; 2005 c.738 §4]

Section:  Previous  819.030  819.040  819.100  819.110  819.120  819.130  819.140  819.150  819.160  819.170  819.180  819.185  819.190  819.200  819.210  Next

Last modified: August 7, 2008