- 6 - underlined entry. The invoices that corresponded to the invoice numbers were "Bates-stamped" and stored in sequential order. The invoices for the cash sales that were recorded in only the actual books were not Bates-stamped. Ms. Chong destroyed most of these invoices after she recorded them in the actual books. On October 13, 1989, the New York City Department of Finance (the Finance Department) began an undercover investigation of petitioners after an informant notified them that petitioners were evading Federal and State income taxes through the filing of fraudulent tax returns. Shortly thereafter, during the course of the Lees' efforts to sell Hamalee's business, Mrs. Lee and Ms. Lee were introduced to two undercover agents from the Finance Department posing as prospective buyers.2 Mrs. Lee showed the agents Hamalee's actual books, and she explained to the agents that Hamalee had a different set of books for tax purposes. Mrs. Lee explained to the agents that the actual books included sales that were not recorded in the tax books. In connection with the Finance Department's undercover operation, the authorities "raided" Hamalee on October 25, 1989, seizing most of Hamalee's business records and the Lees' personal 2 Ms. Lee was there primarily as an interpreter.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011