Robert D. Grossman, Jr. - Page 3

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                    1. 1983........................................  34               
                    2. 1984........................................  43               
                    3. 1985........................................  47               
                    4. 1986........................................  55               
              E. Financial Statements, Tax Returns, Audits,                          
               Notice of Deficiency.........................  67                      
                    F. Interest Expense for 1987......................  78            
               OPINION................................................  80            
          I. Statute of Limitations..............................  80                 
                    A. Underpayments of Tax...........................  86            
                  (1) 1983.......................................  91                 
               (2) 1984....................................... 100                    
               (3) 1985....................................... 106                    
               (4) 1986....................................... 117                    
               (5) Conclusions................................ 119                    
                    B. Fraudulent Intent.............................. 120            
                  (1) Petitioner’s Knowledge of                                       
          Credit Card Charges..................... 122                                
               (2) Petitioner’s Knowledge of Payments......... 123                    
                  (3) Petitioner’s Knowledge of Berger’s                              
                         Limited Role............................ 124                 
                  (4) Petitioner’s Knowledge of the Tax Laws..... 125                 
                  (5) Petitioner’s Misleading Explanations....... 128                 
                    (6) Other Considerations....................... 133               
                    C. Conclusions.................................... 141            
          II.  Additions to Tax.................................. 141                 
          A. Fifty-Percent Fraud Addition--1985............. 141                      
               B. Additional Amount for Portion                                       
                    Attributable to Fraud--1985.................. 142                 
               C. Fraud Additions--1986.......................... 143                 
               D. Negligence Additions--1986..................... 146                 
          III. Amounts of Deficiencies........................... 147                 
                    A. Amount of Constructive Dividends............... 147            
               B. Interest Deduction............................. 148                 
          IV.  Innocent Spouse Relief............................ 152                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011