- 20 - sticker and puts it on the patient's daily charge card. The patient's daily charge cards for all departments, except the operating room and pharmacy, are sent back to central supply where each item's procedure code is keyed into a hospital computer terminal which is connected directly with the main data center at HCA's corporate office in Nashville, Tennessee. The appropriate charge to the patient's account is made automatically for a later billing to the patient. When a medical supply is used during a surgical procedure in the operating room, the nurse checks the item off on a "charge sheet" maintained in the name of each patient undergoing a surgical procedure. After the conclusion of the surgical procedure, the charge sheet is used by operating room personnel to key the appropriate item procedure codes into the computer for posting to the patient's account. All orders for medications for a patient are listed on a MAR prepared for that patient and delivered by the pharmacy department to the attending nurse station. The nurse checks off each item of medication on the MAR as it is administered to the patient. A copy of the MAR is returned to the pharmacy department, which then inputs the appropriate patient charge into the hospital computer terminal. Each hospital's computer procedure file contains all of the hospital's procedure codes for various patient procedure charges, including those in which medical supplies are used. WhenPage: Previous 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011