Hospital Corporation of America and Subsidiaries - Page 21

                                       - 21 -                                         
          hospital personnel input a patient number and a procedure code              
          for a charge, the procedure file automatically posts the charge             
          amount to "Accounts Receivable--Patient", to a general ledger               
          revenue account, and to the patient's account.  The patient                 
          charge amount for many individual procedures involving a medical            
          supply is determined by the hospital based on a schedule of                 
          algorithms input into the computer.  The schedule of algorithms             
          typically determines the charge for a procedure involving a                 
          medical supply as a multiple of the cost of the item used or as a           
          multiple of the average wholesale price of the pharmaceutical               
          used.  The amount of that multiple varies from item to item and             
          ranges from 150 percent of cost to well over 4,000 percent of               
               Each hospital's computer room master file contains all                 
          hospital room numbers and their respective rates.  The room                 
          master file automatically posts room charges daily, not only to             
          "Accounts Receivable--Patient" and to a general ledger revenue              
          account, but also to the patient's account and to the billing or            
          receivable system.                                                          
               A charge for nursing care is not separately listed on either           
          the summary or the detailed bills provided to the hospitals'                
          patients.  The charge for nursing is included in the charge for             
          the room, in the charge identified by location, and in the other            
          charge categories, including the cost of certain medical supplies           
          used for patients.                                                          

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Last modified: May 25, 2011