Hospital Corporation of America and Subsidiaries - Page 36

                                       - 36 -                                         
          Medicare and Medicaid receivables in patient receivables for                
          purposes of calculating the revenue to be reported on the accrual           
               1979-80 Audit                                                          
               A team of revenue agents examined petitioners' returns for             
          the taxable years ended 1979 and 1980 and proposed in their RAR             
          to change, inter alia, the hospitals' method of accounting from             
          the hybrid method, or the hybrid method as modified, to an                  
          overall accrual method.  The reasons cited in the RAR were                  
          essentially identical to the reasons cited in the RAR's for the             
          1972-73, 1974-75, and 1976-78 audits.  In addition, the RAR                 
          contended that the returns filed using the hybrid method, or the            
          hybrid method as modified, were difficult to audit.                         
               At petitioners' request, the accounting issue was referred             
          for consideration to the Atlanta, Georgia, Appeals Office.  The             
          Appeals Officer reviewing the returns for taxable years ended               
          1979 and 1980, Appeals Officer Griffin, concluded that the                  
          accounting method issue adjustment for the years ended 1972 and             
          1973 appeared to have been computed as a change in method of                
          accounting, rather than as an adjustment relating to those years            
          alone and that use of the hybrid method as modified clearly                 
          reflected income of the hospitals.  Accordingly, in November 1986           
          Appeals Officer Griffin resolved the proposed accounting method             
          adjustment for the years ended 1979 and 1980 by permitting                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011