Hospital Corporation of America and Subsidiaries - Page 11

                                       - 11 -                                         
          cases, all of the hospitals, office buildings, and related                  
          facilities owned by a subsidiary (i.e., a Category A Corporation)           
          were divested.  In that case, the stock of the Category A                   
          Corporation was transferred to another wholly owned subsidiary of           
          HCA (HCAII) which in turn sold the stock of the Category A                  
          Corporation to HealthTrust.  The parties agree that under those             
          circumstances, in effect, the section 481(a) adjustment relating            
          to the change in method of accounting required by section 448(a)            
          that was attributable to the Category A Corporation remains with            
          the Category A Corporation and henceforth should be reported                
          ratably over the remaining applicable spread period in the                  
          consolidated Federal corporate income tax returns filed by                  
          HealthTrust for succeeding tax years.                                       
               In other cases, not all of the hospitals, office buildings,            
          and related medical facilities owned and operated by a subsidiary           
          were divested.  In those cases, the HCA subsidiary (i.e., the New           
          Parent) formed a New Subsidiary (i.e., a Category B Corporation)            
          to which the New Parent transferred the Facilities that were to             
          be divested.  The New Parent, however, continued to own and                 
          operate at least one other hospital, professional office                    
          building, or related medical facility.  The New Parent then                 
          transferred the stock of the Category B Corporation to HCAII,               
          which in turn sold that stock to HealthTrust.  The parties agree            
          that the portion of the section 481(a) adjustment relating to the           
          change in method of accounting required by section 448(a) that is           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011