Leon M. and Mary K. Jaroff - Page 59

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          substance was separate and independent from the overvaluation of            
          the Sentinel EPE recyclers.  To the contrary, in holding that the           
          Partnership transactions lacked economic substance, we relied               
          heavily upon the overvaluation of the recyclers.  Overvaluation             
          of the recyclers was an integral factor in regard to:  (1) The              
          disallowed tax credits and other benefits in these cases; (2) the           
          underpayments of tax; and (3) our finding that the Partnership              
          transactions lacked economic substance.                                     
               Petitioners argue that in Provizer v. Commissioner, T.C.               
          Memo. 1992-177, we found that the Clearwater transaction lacked             
          economic substance for reasons independent of the valuation                 
          reported in that case.  According to petitioners, the purported             
          value of the recyclers in the Clearwater transaction was                    
          predicated upon a projected stream of royalty income, and this              
          Court merely rejected the taxpayers' valuation method.                      
          Petitioners misread and distort our Provizer opinion.  In the               
          Provizer case, overvaluation of the Sentinel EPE recyclers,                 
          irrespective of the technique employed by the taxpayers in their            
          efforts to justify the overvaluation, was the dominant factor               
          that led us to hold that the Clearwater transaction lacked                  
          economic substance.  Likewise, overvaluation of the Sentinel                
          recyclers in these cases is the ground for our holding herein               
          that the Partnership transactions lacked economic substance.                
               Moreover, a virtually identical argument was recently                  
          rejected in Gilman v. Commissioner, supra, by the Court of                  

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