Leon M. and Mary K. Jaroff - Page 67

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          therefore, that respondent should have waived the section 6659              
          additions to tax.15  However, as we explained above in finding              
          petitioners liable for the negligence additions to tax,                     
          petitioners' purported reliance on the offering materials and               
          Tucker was not reasonable.                                                  
               Petitioners did not carefully read the offering memoranda.             
          To the extent that they reviewed either of them, they did not               
          give due consideration to the numerous warnings and caveats                 
          contained therein.  We found petitioner's recollection of events            
          to be unreliable and his testimony suspect.  Becker possessed no            
          special qualifications or professional skills in the recycling or           
          plastics industries, and the record indicates the same was true             
          of Tucker.  Despite these obvious limitations, Tucker, Becker,              
          and petitioners never hired or consulted any plastics engineering           
          or technical experts with respect to the Plastics Recycling                 
          transactions.  Becker spoke with Canno, who apparently had some             
          knowledge of the plastics industry, but the substance of Canno's            
          purported comments is doubtful and he had only minimal                      
          information about the transaction anyway.  At trial, Becker                 
          confirmed that in the end he relied exclusively on PI, its                  
          personnel, and the offering materials as to the value and                   

          15   In their posttrial brief, petitioners referenced the reports           
          prepared by Carmagnola in support of the reasonableness of the              
          claimed valuation.  For reasons discussed supra, we consider the            
          reports prepared by Carmagnola to be unreliable and of no                   

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