Richard A. and Carol B. Little - Page 26

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               We hold that the testimony of Hodges and Hogue is not                  
          admissible under rule 803(24) of the Federal Rules of Evidence.             
               4.   Whether Statements Made by Witnesses to FBI Agents                
                    Are Admissible                                                    
                    a.   FD-302 Reports                                               
               Hodges and Hogue testified that the FBI agents assigned to             
          the task force prepared memoranda of interviews with 300 to 400             
          people during their investigation of Vernon.  These documents are           
          FD-302 reports (302 reports).                                               
               Respondent offered into evidence 302 reports for 25                    
          witnesses, covering 264 pages.  Respondent first gave the 302               
          reports to petitioner at 2 p.m. on the second (and last) day of             
          trial.  Respondent also asked that the 302 reports be sealed.               
          Respondent asked that the 302 reports be used only for the                  
          instant case and that the copy petitioner was to receive be                 
          returned by petitioners' counsel with a statement, under penalty            
          of perjury, that it had not been copied or released and that no             
          additional copies of which he was aware were made.                          
               Petitioner objected to admitting the 302 reports on the                
          grounds that they were not exchanged before trial as required by            
          the standing pretrial order and that they are hearsay.                      
                    b.   Standing Pretrial Order                                      
               About 5 months before this case was calendared for trial,              
          we sent a copy of the Court's standing pretrial order to the                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011