Helen Sophie Schroeder - Page 3

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                (3) whether petitioner is entitled to costs of goods sold                    
          in the amounts of $4,890, $16,850, and $1,400 for the years 1991,                  
          1992, and 1993, respectively; and                                                  
                (4) whether petitioner is liable for accuracy-related                        
          penalties under section 6662(a) for negligence or disregard of                     
          rules or regulations.                                                              
                                     FINDINGS OF FACT                                        
                Some of the facts have been stipulated and are so found.                     
          The stipulation of facts, together with the exhibits attached                      
          thereto, is incorporated herein by this reference.  Petitioner                     
          resided in Rhodes, Michigan, at the time the petition was filed.                   
                Petitioner owned two improved properties (hereinafter                        
          referred to as the Rhodes property and the Whitefeather property)                  
          that she used in her farming and breeding businesses.  The                         
          properties were located across the street from each other.                         
          Petitioner farmed hay and straw, sold goats and pigs (1991 only),                  
          and raised poodles and quarter horses for sale.                                    
          The Rhodes Property                                                                
                Petitioner had leased the Rhodes property since 1978 or                      
          1979.  Petitioner purchased the Rhodes property in 1985 from a                     
          longtime family friend whom she had taken care of during the last                  
          years of his life.  She paid $25,000 and other noncash                             
          consideration for the property.  The total purchase price is                       
          unknown.  When purchased, the property consisted of 20 acres, a                    
          house, a granary, a large barn (Rhodes barn), two chicken coops,                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011