- 32 - the change in the implied spread of the Colgate debt yield over an index of the yield on U.S. Treasury securities. If Colgate's credit improved, the spread would narrow; if Colgate's credit deteriorated, the spread would widen. The Quality Component was the change in the value of the Colgate debt attributable to this change in the spread. The Partnership Agreement provided for the following Quality Component allocations: (a) For the first 50 basis point decline in value, 84.7 percent of the decline was allocated to Southampton, 15 percent to Kannex, as were subsequent increases within this 50 basis point range; (b) all declines beyond 50 basis points were allocated 99.7 percent to Southampton, and all other increases were allocated 99.7 percent to Southampton. MLCS's share of all changes was 0.3 percent. The substantial risk shifting potential of the Yield Component option, which was of substantial value to Colgate's liability management scheme, proved relatively unproblematic for ABN because of the bank's ability to hedge interest rate risks outside the partnership through routine techniques employed by financial intermediaries in the derivative markets. Indeed, in its design of this option mechanism, Merrill's Swap Group took for granted ABN's ability to make accommodations in this manner. The Quality Component provision was a bone of contention for the same reason that the Yield Component provision was not. A credit derivative that could be used by the bank to hedge the share of spread risk allocated to it under this provision was notPage: Previous 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011