Robert D. Booth and Janice Booth, et al. - Page 43

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          by October 15, 1990.  N.L. Booth made this contribution, without            
          interest, on January 30, 1991.  N.L. Booth's 1989 tax return                
          claimed a $100,000 deduction for accrued contributions owed the             
               N.L. Booth's 1990 tax return claimed a $56,739 deduction for           
          accrued contributions owed the Trust.  On February 14, 1992, N.L.           
          Booth paid Firstar Metropolitan Bank & Trust (Firstar) $55,000 of           
          this amount; N.L. Booth never paid the remaining $1,739.                    
          Generally, the $55,000 contribution was applied as follows:                 
          (1) An increase in DWB's resulting from the change in the accrual           
          percentage, (2) an increase in vesting, and (3) the cost of a               
          death benefit.                                                              
               In all, N.L. Booth executed the following Adoption                     
          Agreements relating to its participation in the Prime Plan:                 
          Date effective              07/31/90    07/31/90    01/01/91    07/31/90    
          Dismissal wage benefit percentage    4.196        2.84        6.54       4.196
          Years of service                        10          10          10          10
          Vesting schedule                      4/40        4/40        4/40        4/40
          Normal retirement age           Same as 401(a)    Same        Same        Same
          Death benefit multiple               4.122       2.692       4.122       4.122
          Date executed                     07/31/90    07/31/90    07/30/91    10/01/91
               D.  Administration of N.L. Booth's Account in the Prime Plan           
               On August 12, 1991, IFTI forwarded the 1990 annual report              
          for N.L. Booth's account in the Prime Plan to John Booth.  The              
          report pertained only to N.L. Booth's Employee Group.  The report           
          included an actuarial valuation signed by Deloitte & Touche and             
          provided the following calculations of vested DWB's:                        

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