Robert D. Booth and Janice Booth, et al. - Page 47

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          6662(a) because the underpayment of tax attributable to section             
          83 was due to negligence.                                                   
               On the same day, the Commissioner mailed Systems a notice of           
          deficiency reflecting a determination that its 1990 taxable                 
          income was increased by $300,000 because its contribution to the            
          Trust was governed by subpart D.  Systems filed timely its 1990             
          tax return.  The notice also stated that Systems was liable for a           
          $21,735 accuracy-related penalty under section 6662(a) because              
          its underpayment of income tax was due to a substantial                     
               B.  Systems' Introduction to the Prime Plan                            
               Max Chapman, Systems' independent C.P.A., introduced the               
          Johnsons to the Prime Plan, stating that it would be "useful in             
          tax planning".  Mr. Carr was also involved in meetings concerning           
          Systems' decision to join the Prime Plan, and he reviewed some of           
          the plan's literature.  One of the main selling features of the             
          Prime Plan from Mr. Carr's perspective was the "very thick                  
          opinion letter".  Mr. Johnson, individually and on behalf of                
          Systems, relied upon competent and informed tax and investment              
          advisers before joining the Prime Plan and in reporting the tax             
          ramifications that flowed therefrom.                                        
               C.  Systems' Adoption of the Prime Plan                                
               Systems joined the Prime Plan by executing an Adoption                 
          Agreement dated and effective as of December 20, 1990, and by               
          making a $300,000 contribution to the Trust 6 days later.  The              

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