Robert D. Booth and Janice Booth, et al. - Page 53

                                                           - 53 -                                                               

               Date effective                12/31/88         12/31/88          11/01/89        12/31/89                        
               DWB percentage                   25.07            25.54               N/A            23.82                       
               Years of service                     7                7               N/A                8                       
               Vesting schedule                  4/40             4/40               N/A             4/40                       
               Normal retirement date      Same as 401(a)   Same as 401(a)    Same as 401(a)   Same as 401(a)                   
               Death benefit multiple            5.36             5.36              2.86            2.231                       
               Date executed                 12/28/88         12/28/88          11/01/89         12/28/89                       
               Date effective                09/04/90                  12/31/88            01/01/89                             
               DWB percentage                      24                     25.54              27.220                             
               Years of service                     8                         7                   7                             
               Vesting schedule                   N/A                      4/40                4/40                             
               Normal retirement date      Same as 401(a)             Same as 401(a)      Same as 401(a)                        
               Death benefit multiple             N/A                      2.86                2.86                             
               Date executed                 10/18/90                  02/11/92            02/11/92                             

               On-Site's agreement dated November 1, 1989, also reduced the                                                     

               minimum death benefit from $50,000 to $25,000.                                                                   

                      D.  Administration of On-Site's Account in the Prime Plan                                                 

                      On August 15, 1989, Prime forwarded to On-Site a 1988                                                     

               actuarial valuation for On-Site's account in the Prime Plan,                                                     

               signed by Laventhol & Horwath.  On March 11, 1991, IFTI forwarded                                                

               a 1988 annual report for On-Site's account in the Prime Plan to                                                  

               Mr. Traegde.  This report included an actuarial valuation signed                                                 

               by Deloitte & Touche and provided the following calculations of                                                  

               vested severance benefits for On-Site's Covered Employees:                                                       

                                 1987           Accrual        Years of       Vesting        Vested                             
          Employee           Compensation       percent        Service        percent      Severance                            
          Mr. Traegde    $156,000               25.54            5            45             $89,645                            
          Larry French   36,400                 25.54          1              - 0 -          - 0 -                              
          Erik Kallstrom        35,984          25.54          1              - 0 -          - 0 -                              
          Jeanne Sharon        21,840           25.54          1              - 0 -          - 0 -                              
          Norman Burke           - 0 -          25.54          N/A            N/A            N/A                                
          Richard Murphy         - 0 -          25.54          N/A            N/A            N/A                                
          Michael Brandt         - 0 -          25.54          N/A            N/A            N/A                                
          K. Diane Small         - 0 -          25.54          N/A            N/A            N/A                                
          Denise Minix           - 0 -          25.54          N/A            N/A            N/A                                
          Steve Boyles           - 0 -          25.54          N/A            N/A            N/A                                
               The 1988 report did not refer to another participating Employee                                                  

               Group, and it did not provide any information on the Trust as a                                                  

               whole.  The report related only to the On-Site's Employee Group.                                                 

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