Robert D. Booth and Janice Booth, et al. - Page 57

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          Plan is a single 10 or more employer plan within section                    
               We must resolve these disputes.  We do so with the benefit             
          of a comprehensive and detailed evidentiary record developed by             
          the parties up to, including, and after trial, as well as with              
          the aid of the parties' briefs and other voluminous submissions             
          that have focused on issues which have been in dispute at one               
          time or another throughout this proceeding.  We analyze the law             
          that applies to the issues at hand, giving due regard to all                
          arguments made by the parties with respect to these issues.                 
          1.  Type of Plan:  Welfare Benefit or Deferred Compensation                 
               We pass first on whether the Prime Plan is a plan of welfare           
          benefit or deferred compensation.  If the Prime Plan is a                   
          deferred compensation plan, section 404(a)(5) prohibits a                   
          participating employer from deducting a contribution until the              
          year in which an amount attributable to the contribution is                 
          includable in the gross income of employees participating in the            
          plan, assuming that separate accounts are maintained for each               
          employee.  If a separate account is not maintained for each                 
          employee, section 404(a)(5) does not allow an employer to deduct            
          the contribution even in the year in which an attributable amount           
          is included in the gross income of an employee.  See also sec.              
          1.404(a)-12(b)(3), Income Tax Regs.  If, on the other hand, the             
          Prime Plan is a welfare benefit plan, subpart D generally limits            
          the employer's deduction for its contributions to the amount that           

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