Robert D. Booth and Janice Booth, et al. - Page 65

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          insured to an insurer."  H. Conf. Rept. 98-861, at 1159; 1984-3             
          C.B. (Vol. 2) at 413.  The conferees went on to explain that:               
               "notwithstanding compliance with the 10-percent rule,                  
               and consistent with the discussion above on definition                 
               of a fund, a plan is not exempt from the deduction                     
               limits if the liability of any employer who maintains                  
               the plan is determined on the basis of experience                      
               rating because the employer's interest with respect to                 
               such a plan is more similar to the relationship of an                  
               employer to a fund than an insured to an insurer."                     
               [Id. at 1159.]                                                         
               Petitioners argue that the Prime Plan is within this                   
          exception, and that any uncertainty should be resolved in their             
          favor because respondent has not issued proper guidance under               
          section 419A(f)(6).  Petitioners assert that Mr. Weiss asked the            
          Commissioner for a ruling on the Prime Plan, and that the                   
          Commissioner refused to accommodate him.  Petitioners assert that           
          Mr. Weiss was forced to withdraw his request for ruling 18 months           
          after he submitted it because he was led to believe that the                
          Commissioner would never rule on his request.  We understand                
          petitioners to argue that the Commissioner should have issued               
          Mr. Weiss guidance under section 419A(f)(6), and that the                   
          Commissioner should now be penalized for failing to do so.                  
          Petitioners rely on Gould v. Gould, 245 U.S. 151, 153 (1917), for           
          the proposition that any doubts as to the reach of section                  
          419A(f)(6) must be resolved in their favor.                                 
               We do not agree with petitioners that any ambiguity is to be           
          resolved in their favor.  See Helvering v. Stockholms Enskilda              

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