Frederick M. Fox - Page 6

                                                                                - 6 -- 6 -                                                                                 

                              4.  A copy of a notice of bill from Frederick J. Fox dated                                                                                   
                    December 9, 1992.  Petitioner responded "Denies.  Wrong Frederick                                                                                      
                              5.  A copy of an affidavit of applicable law and denial of                                                                                   
                    specific liability for Federal income taxes during calendar years                                                                                      
                    1989-92 from petitioner dated June 9, 1993.  Petitioner admits.                                                                                        
                              6.  A copy of letters from petitioner dated April 12, 1994.                                                                                  
                    Petitioner admits.                                                                                                                                     
                              7.  A copy of a document from petitioner entitled "DEMAND                                                                                    
                    for you to PROVE the existence of JURISDICTION at the                                                                                                  
                    administrative level" dated June 6, 1994.  Petitioner admits.                                                                                          
                              8.  A copy of a document from petitioner entitled "BY                                                                                        
                    AFFIDAVIT" dated April 14, 1995.  Petitioner admits.                                                                                                   
                              9. A copy of a document from petitioner entitled                                                                                             
                    "MEMORANDUM AT LAW BY AFFIDAVIT" dated June 20, 1996.  Petitioner                                                                                      
                              The statements by and letters and documents from petitioner                                                                                  
                    attached to respondent's motion for summary judgment and request                                                                                       
                    for admissions recite various frivolous tax protester arguments.                                                                                       
                    A.        Respondent's Motion for Summary Judgment                                                                                                     

                              2We do not consider this document in deciding whether to                                                                                     
                    grant respondent's motion for summary judgment.                                                                                                        

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Last modified: May 25, 2011