- 10 - The Court: So was he -- in order -- I take it that it was the corporation that was being bonded and he was guaranteeing the bond? The Witness: I guess. Isn’t that -- well, I can’t talk to him, I guess, but I believe, you know, it is the old story when you got such a closely-held corporation, it is all one entity, almost. The Court: Let me ask you, do you have any -- do you have the financial statement that you have just mentioned? That is, is it part of Mr. Petar’s records? The Witness: No. The Court: What happened to it? It just would be -- The Witness: I might have it somewhere. I think the reason we don’t have this is because we really -- as I say, this note in the beginning is not something that we were really aware of. The Court: When you say you weren’t aware of it? The Witness: Aware of why -- we weren’t aware of the reason, that this note would become so important. This note just happened because of certain things that happened, okay? The Court: So you are saying that -- The Witness: Our timing was good, I am saying. * * * * * * * The Court: But we -- you don’t actually have the documentation that would support and describe the circumstances surrounding that other situation? The Witness: No, Your Honor. The Court: That is, correspondence with the bonding company? The Witness: No, I have nothing on that. The Court: Okay. Have you asked Mr. Petar whether he has anything of that sort?Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011