- 56 - MACRS MACRS does not utilize the terms "section 1245 class property" or "section 1250 class property".41 Rather, MACRS assigns property to recovery periods on the basis of class lives. To constitute 5-year property, the disputed property items must have a class life of more than 4 years but less than 10 years. Sec. 168(e)(1). To constitute nonresidential real property, the disputed property items must be section 1250 property with a class life of more than 27.5 years. Sec. 168(e)(2). Section 168(i)(12) provides that "The terms 'section 1245 property' and 'section 1250 property' have the meanings given such terms by sections 1245(a)(3) and 1250(c), respectively." As we discussed supra, section 1250(c) excludes from the term "section 1250 property", "section 1245 property, as defined in section 1245(a)(3)". From that statutory provision, we conclude that, as with ACRS, the MACRS statutory language manifests a congressional intent to retain the prior law distinction between components 41 Although the terms "section 1245 class property" and "section 1250 class property" are not utilized in MACRS, as will be discussed in more detail infra, the disputed property items involved in the instant case for taxable years ended 1986 and 1987 would have constituted either section 1245 class property or section 1250 class property, as applicable, had ACRS continued to be in effect for those taxable years. Consequently, for convenience, we continue to use the terms "section 1245 class property" and "section 1250 class property", where appropriate, to refer to property items for which MACRS applies as well as to the property items for which ACRS applies.Page: Previous 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011