Hospital Corporation of America and Subsidiaries - Page 98

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          also would not relate to the operation or maintenance of the                
          buildings.  See Piggly Wiggly S., Inc. v. Commissioner, 84 T.C.             
          at 748-756 (HVAC units installed to meet temperature and humidity           
          requirements of refrigeration equipment of grocery stores qualify           
          as tangible personal property).  The branch electrical systems              
          relating to those items of equipment similarly do not relate to             
          the operation or maintenance of petitioners' buildings.                     
          Accordingly, we hold that the branch electrical systems relating            
          to Property Units 2200, 2320, 3292, and 3075 also constitute                
          tangible personal property, and that they are depreciable over a            
          5-year recovery period.                                                     
               The subject category also includes synchronously wired clock           
          systems (Property Unit 3280).  Petitioners' expert, William J.              
          Neiman (Mr. Neiman), states that the clock system, located                  
          throughout the hospital, includes clocks, timers, and personnel             
          time recorders that insure continuity in timekeeping.  He                   
          explains that the clock system is not found in most buildings but           

          49  (...continued)                                                          
                    such machinery is required to meet                                
                    temperature or humidity requirements which                        
                    are essential for the operation of other                          
                    machinery or the processing of materials or                       
                    foodstuffs.  Machinery may meet the "sole                         
                    justification" test provided by the preceding                     
                    sentence even though it incidentally provides                     
                    for the comfort of employees, or serves, to                       
                    an insubstantial degree, areas where such                         
                    temperature or humidity requirements are not                      

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Last modified: May 25, 2011