Maggie Management Company - Page 3

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               Respondent issued a statutory notice of deficiency on                  
          February 14, 1994, in which deficiencies in income tax and                  
          additions to tax were determined as follows:                                

          Tax Year Ended             Deficiency        Additions to Tax               
                                                  Sec. 6653(a)   Sec. 6661            
          July 31, 1988 (TYE 1988)      $93,500   $4,675.00      $23,375              
          July 31, 1989 (TYE 1989)      73,651    3,682.55       20,883               
               Total                    167,151   8,357.55       44,258               
               The notice of deficiency also made adjustments to                      
          petitioner's fiscal 1990 tax year, although no deficiency was               
          determined for that year.  A petition was filed on May 16, 1994.            
          At that time, petitioner (or MMC), a California corporation, had            
          its principal office at 6800 Bayshore Walk, Long Beach,                     
               On June 20, 1994, respondent filed an answer to the                    
          petition.  After the case was calendared for trial, but prior to            
          trial, the parties filed a Stipulation of Settled Issues.  A                
          stipulated Decision was entered by the Court on November 29,                
          1996, setting forth deficiencies of $6,249 and $5,245, and no               
          additions to tax, for TYE 1988 and TYE 1989, respectively.                  
          Petitioner thereafter filed its motion for costs.  (Petitioner              
          did not submit a memorandum of points and authorities in support            
          of its motion for costs.)  In accordance with section 7430 and              
          Rule 232, and pursuant to the Court's Order, the stipulated                 
          Decision was vacated and set aside, and filed as a Stipulation of           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011