Maggie Management Company - Page 5

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          consulting services to the Ohanesian Family Trust (the Trust) and           
          Seven Resorts, Inc. (SRI), a corporation controlled by the Trust            
          (collectively referred to herein as the related entities), in               
          exchange for an annual fee equal to 2 percent of the gross assets           
          owned by the Trust and 2 percent of the gross revenue realized by           
          SRI.  The written agreements contained no provision which                   
          obligated or required petitioner to pay personal expenses of the            
          Ohanesian family or SRI.  Nevertheless, during the years in                 
          issue, petitioner purchased and maintained several luxury                   
          automobiles for members of the Ohanesian family.  Petitioner also           
          leased and furnished office space for SRI.                                  
               During TYE 1988 and TYE 1989, petitioner received funds from           
          SRI and the Trust through John and Ethel Ohanesian (the                     
          Ohanesians).  Petitioner reported the amount of funds received as           
          income on its Federal income tax returns for those years.  On its           
          returns for TYE 1988 and TYE 1989, petitioner claimed deductions            
          for various expenses, including the depreciation and upkeep of              
          the luxury vehicles for members of the Ohanesian family and                 
          office space for SRI.  On their joint Federal individual income             
          tax returns for the years overlapping petitioner's taxable years            
          at issue, the Ohanesians deducted the amounts paid to petitioner            
          as investment expenses.                                                     
               At some point in 1989, Mike and Ohanesian had a "falling               
          out", which resulted in Ohanesian's terminating the agreements on           
          November 15, 1989, and withholding payment of the contract fees             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011