John Sann and Marianne Sann, et al. - Page 72

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               A graduated addition to tax is imposed when an individual              
          has an underpayment of tax that equals or exceeds $1,000 and "is            
          attributable to" a valuation overstatement.  Sec. 6659(a), (d).             
          A valuation overstatement exists if the fair market value (or               
          adjusted basis) of property claimed on a return equals or exceeds           
          150 percent of the amount determined to be the correct amount.              
          Sec. 6659(c).  If the claimed valuation exceeds 250 percent of              
          the correct value, the addition is equal to 30 percent of the               
          underpayment.  Sec. 6659(b).                                                
               Petitioners claimed tax benefits, including investment tax             
          credits and business energy credits, based on purported values of           
          $1,162,666 for each Sentinel EPE recycler.  Petitioners concede             
          that the fair market value of a Sentinel EPE recycler in 1981 and           
          up to the end of 1982 was not in excess of $50,000.  Therefore,             
          if disallowance of petitioners' claimed tax benefits is                     
          attributable to such valuation overstatements, petitioners are              
          liable for the section 6659 additions to tax at the rate of 30              
          percent of the underpayments of tax attributable to the tax                 
          benefits claimed with respect to the Partnerships.                          
               Petitioners contend that section 6659 does not apply in                
          their cases for the following three reasons:  (1) Disallowance of           
          the claimed tax benefits was attributable to other than a                   
          valuation overstatement; (2) petitioners' concessions of the                
          claimed tax benefits preclude imposition of the section 6659                
          additions to tax; and (3) respondent erroneously failed to waive            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011