- 62 - involved. We round percentages to the third decimal point, and we round dollar amounts to the nearest dollar. The appraisers factored an 18-month marketing period into their market value of each apartment complex. Thus, we do not take the 18-month period after the applicable valuation date into account to arrive at the market absorption discount that applies herein. We have concluded that it would take a total of 42 months to sell all three complexes, or, in other words, 18 months after the end of the 6-month reasonable period of time starting 18 months after the applicable valuation date. Thus, one complex would sell within the reasonable time and the other two would not; of the two that would sell outside this time, one would sell 6 months after the end of it and the other would sell 18 months after the end of it. The appraisers applied 9.738-percent capitalization rates to Stonehenge and Fox Hill and a 10.238-percent capitalization rate to The Landings in order to ascertain their values. We believe that this capitalization rate reflects the time value of money, and that a weighted average of the rates (i.e., 9.905 percent) is the appropriate annual rate to use to determine the complexes' market absorption discount. As to the base to which this rate is applied, we use the average market value of the three complexes. We must determine how much lower than the market value a hypothetical seller will have to drop his or her price for each complex in order to sell all three within a reasonable time after the applicable valuation date. It would be inappropriate to apply the full discount to allPage: Previous 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011