Albert C. Johnson - Page 16

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          1990             1991            1992          1993                         
          receipts       $64,653.27        $129,270.11     $43,666.91    $52,712.22   
          bull            (9,500.00)           ---              ---          ---      
          Adjusted gross                                                              
          income          55,153.27         129,270.11      43,666.91     52,712.22   
          deductions     (28,723.00)        (81,888.00)    (31,304.00)   (40,819.00)  
          Cash cattle                                                                 
          feed expenses   (2,283.00)         (1,970.10)     (1,570.07)    (1,624.90)  
          depreciation    (3,000.00)         (3,000.00)     (3,000.00)    (3,000.00)  
          Net income       21,147.27          42,412.01       7,792.84      7,268.32  
          Issue 3.  Section 6651(f) Addition to Tax                                   
               The final issue is whether petitioner is liable for the                
          fraudulent failure to file addition to tax pursuant to section              
          6651(f) for each of the years in issue.  Respondent contends that           
          petitioner is liable for the addition to tax.  Petitioner                   
               Section 6651(f) imposes an addition to tax for failure to file         
          a tax return.  Where the failure to file is fraudulent, the                 
          addition to tax is 15 percent of the amount required to be shown on         
          the return for each month beyond the return's due date, up to a             
          maximum of 75 percent.  (If the failure to file is not fraudulent           
          and is not due to reasonable cause, the addition to tax is 5                
          percent of the amount required to be shown on the return for each           
          month that the return is not filed, up to a maximum of 25 percent.)         
          Respondent bears the burden of proving by clear and convincing              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011