Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries, Successor in Interest to United Banks of Colorado, Inc., and Subsidiaries, et al. - Page 63

                                       - 63 -                                         
          that petitioner claimed that the substance of the 1988 Atrium               
          Transaction was something other than its form only after                    
          respondent, as a protective measure in response to the basis                
          allocation argument set forth in supra section II.B., reduced to            
          zero the adjusted basis of the 48-percent interest in the Atrium            
          sold by LBC.14                                                              
               Under these circumstances, we shall not allow petitioner to            
          disavow the form and tax treatment of the 1988 Atrium                       
          Transaction.  Essentially, the timing of petitioner's                       
          recharacterization of the 1988 Atrium Transaction gives this                
          Court very little confidence in embarking upon a burdensome                 
          search for the substance of that transaction.  Although there               
          exists the possibility that our approach may forsake the true               
          substance of the 1988 Atrium Transaction, that is a risk that               
          this Court can bear in light of petitioner's actions.  To allow             
          petitioner to assert the priority of substance in this case would           
          only embroil this Court in petitioner's post-transactional tax              
          planning.  We decline that invitation.                                      
                    4.  Conclusion                                                    
               Petitioner may not disavow the form of the 1988 Atrium                 

          14   Our resolution of the issue presented in supra sec. II.B.              
          leaves respondent without the need to make any protective                   
          adjustment with respect to the adjusted basis of the 48-percent             
          interest in the Atrium sold by LBC.  We assume, therefore, that             
          respondent would seek only to maintain the UBC affiliated group's           
          treatment of the 1988 Atrium Transaction as reported on its tax             

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