Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries, Successor in Interest to United Banks of Colorado, Inc., and Subsidiaries, et al. - Page 64

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          III.  Corporate Minimum Tax Issue                                           
               A.  Introduction                                                       
               On its consolidated returns since at least 1976, and                   
          continuing through 1986, the UBC affiliated group computed its              
          tax under section 56(a), if any, based on a “consolidated”                  
          computation of that tax (UBC's method), see infra sec. III.C.1.             
          In the notice of deficiency for docket No. 3723-95, respondent              
          accepted and used UBC's method in computing the tax under section           
          56(a) (the corporate minimum tax) for the UBC affiliated group's            
          1977, 1980, 1984, and 1985 taxable years.  In the petition filed            
          in docket No. 3723-95, petitioner claims that it is entitled to             
          calculate the corporate minimum tax for the UBC affiliated                  
          group's 1977, 1980, 1984, and 1985 taxable years on a separate              
          return basis (petitioner's method), see infra sec. III.C.2.,15              
          and claims refunds for those years on that basis.                           
               B.  The Corporate Minimum Tax Provisions                               
               The corporate minimum tax provisions, as in effect for the             
          years in issue, are sections 56, 57, and 58, and the regulations            
          thereunder.  Section 56 provides, in part, as follows:                      
               SEC. 56 ADJUSTMENTS IN COMPUTING ALTERNATIVE MINIMUM                   
               TAXABLE INCOME.                                                        
                    (a)  General Rule.--In addition to the other taxes                
               imposed by * * * [chapter one of subtitle A of the                     
               Code], there is hereby imposed for each taxable year,                  
               with respect to the income of every corporation, a tax                 

          15   It should be noted that, during those years in issue, no               
          member of the UBC affiliated group actually filed separate tax              

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