Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries, Successor in Interest to United Banks of Colorado, Inc., and Subsidiaries, et al. - Page 77

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          period is an element in the calculation of the deduction for                
          depreciation allowed by section 167.  The parties disagree as to            
          whether the recovery period applicable to the furniture and fixtures        
          is 5 years or 7 years.  Petitioner argues that it is 5 years, while         
          respondent argues that it is 7 years.  UBC originally determined            
          that the recovery period applicable to the furniture and fixtures           
          was 7 years and applied that period to the furniture and fixtures in        
          making its consolidated returns for 1987, 1988, and 1989.  In the           
          relevant petitions, petitioner avers that UBC’s original                    
          determination of the applicable recovery period was mistaken, and           
          that the correct applicable recovery period is 5 years.  Petitioner         
          asks that the Court determine an overpayment in tax on account of           
          that mistake.  The aggregate cost bases for the furniture and               
          fixtures placed in service in 1987, 1988, and 1989 are $5,710,643,          
          $1,490,930, and $546,707, respectively.                                     
               The parties disagree as to whether a similar question is before        
          the Court with respect to the UBC affiliated group’s 1990 and               
          (short) 1991 taxable years.  During those years, various members of         
          the UBC affiliated group placed in service additional furniture and         
          fixtures (the 1990-91 furniture and fixtures).  UBC determined that         
          the recovery period applicable to the 1990-1991 furniture and               
          fixtures was 5 years and applied that period to those furniture and         
          fixtures in making its consolidated returns for 1990 and 1991.              
          Respondent made no adjustment with respect to that determination.           
          In the relevant petition, petitioner included the 1990-91 furniture         
          and fixtures with the furniture and fixtures in its averment that           

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