Estate of Frank A. Branson - Page 59

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               In Mueller II, we opined that we have authority to apply               
          equitable recoupment in a case over which we have jurisdiction;             
          in Estate of Mueller v. Commissioner, 107 T.C. 203 (1996)                   
          (Mueller III), we held, consistent with the view of the majority            
          in United States v. Dalm, supra, that equitable recoupment is               
          properly confined to its traditional role as an affirmative                 
          defense.6  Having held in the case at hand that the requirements            
          of equitable recoupment have been satisfied, our application of             
          the doctrine does no more violence to the structure of section              
          6211(a) than the availability of equitable recoupment in the                
          refund forums does to the Internal Revenue Code as a whole.                 

               6 This observation serves to distinguish equitable                     
          recoupment and the case at hand from Commissioner v. Lundy, 516             
          U.S. 235 (1996).                                                            

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