Jerry and Patricia A. Dixon, et al - Page 27

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                    If more than one year is involved, the settlement                 
               reflects a shelter burn-out for the first half of                      
               petitioners’ participation, and a disallowed deduction                 
               for the later years.                                                   
                    Non-Kersting Issues:  None.                                       
          The Counsel Settlement Memorandum signed by Messrs. Sims and                
          McWade contains two false statements:  (1) That the basis for               
          settlement represents the Alexanders' out-of-pocket expenses; and           
          (2) that the case did not include any non-Kersting issues.                  
          The Court entered the parties' stipulated decision in docket No.            
          30413-86 on April 13, 1989.                                                 
               The stipulated decisions described above reflect                       
          Mr. McWade's general understanding with Mr. Alexander, made                 
          before the trial of the test cases, to reduce the Alexanders' tax           
          liabilities, in exchange for Mr. Alexander's cooperation and                
          assistance at the trial of the test cases.                                  
          G.   The Kozak Decision                                                     
               On July 23, 1981, the Commissioner issued a joint notice of            
          deficiency to Mr. Kozak and his wife, Susan K. Kozak, disallowing           
          subchapter S losses and interest deductions that the Kozaks                 
          claimed on their tax returns for 1973, 1974, and 1975 with                  
          respect to their participation in Kersting programs that were the           
          subject of Pike v. Commissioner, 78 T.C. 822 (1982).  The Kozaks            
          filed a petition with the Court, assigned docket No. 25812-81,              
          contesting the notice of deficiency.                                        
               On May 12, 1986, Mr. McWade filed a motion for order to show           
          cause why a decision should not be entered in the Kozaks' case              

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