Jerry and Patricia A. Dixon, et al - Page 251

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               In August 1986, the Court issued orders setting the 14 test            
          cases for trial during the Maui session.  By letter dated                   
          August 5, 1986, Judge Goffe informed all Kersting petitioners who           
          had not already executed piggyback agreements that their cases              
          would be set for trial at the Maui session unless they executed             
          piggyback agreements by September 29, 1986.  Judge Goffe's letter           
          states as follows:                                                          
          August 5, 1986                                                              
          Dkt #                                                                       
          Dear _______________:                                                       
                    Your case involves matters concerning promotions                  
               by Henry Kersting.  Cases with issues identical to the                 
               issues in your case have been set for trial on                         
               February 9, 1987, at the courtroom of the Circuit Court                
               for the Second Circuit in Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii.                       
                    In order to conserve the time and expense of the                  
               taxpayers, the government and the Court, all of the                    
               cases with identical issues will be tried at one time                  
               unless the parties agree in advance, in writing, to be                 
               bound by the outcome of the cases set for trial.  In                   
               most of the pending cases, the parties have so agreed                  
               to be bound.                                                           
               You should contact at your earliest convenience the                    
               lawyer for the government in the Kersting cases if you                 
               decide to agree to be bound.  He is Mr. Kenneth McWade,                
               PJKK Federal Building, Room 3304, Box 50089, 300 Ala                   
               Moana Boulevard, Honolulu, Hawaii 96850.  His telephone                
               number is (808) 546-7333.  If, however, you do not wish                
               to be bound, you should advise my office promptly, in                  
               writing at the above address, in order that your case                  
               may be set for trial on February 9, 1987.  In either                   
               event, you must advise Mr. McWade or me by                             
               September 29, 1986.                                                    
                    If you fail to advise Mr. McWade by September 29,                 
               1986, that you wish to be bound and have executed a                    
               stipulation to be bound by that time and if you fail to                
               advise me by September 29, 1986, that you wish to have                 
               your case set for trial, it will automatically be set                  
               for trial on February 9, 1987.  If your case is set for                

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