Estate of James Waldo Hendrickson - Page 25

                                        - 25 -                                         
          Peoples, Peoples agreed to address the CRA compliance issues                 
          raised by the FDIC in the first CRA report.                                  
               In a CRA Performance Report as of the close of business                 
          August 31, 1992 (second CRA report), FDIC identified additional              
          CRA compliance problems, including:  (1) Lack of formal training             
          by Peoples of its employees on CRA compliance, (2) failure by                
          Peoples to monitor its own performance in complying with the CRA,            
          (3) failure by Peoples to review its lending patterns for                    
          evidence of discriminatory lending practices, (4) loan-to-deposit            
          ratio, (5) low volume of farm and business credit extended, and              
          (6) lobby hours significantly below that of the competition.  In             
          response to the second CRA report, the directors of Peoples                  
          signed another Memorandum of Understanding on October 7, 1992                
          (second MOU).                                                                
               Within a month after signing the second MOU, in an attempt              
          to improve its CRA compliance, Peoples created a new position--              
          compliance officer--and hired Thomas Krochta, a local attorney,              
          to do the job.  Nevertheless, on December 31, 1992, as Mr.                   
          Krochta was settling into his new position, Simona L. Frank,                 
          Chicago regional director of  FDIC's Division of Supervision,                
          wrote to the board expressing concern over Peoples' continued                
          noncompliance and requesting immediate corrective action.  Ms.               
          Frank said that she planned to recommend to the national office              
          of the Division of Supervision that Peoples continue to be                   
          designated a "problem bank" under the CRA.  As a result of the               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011