Investment Research Associates - Page 225

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         the borrower to repay the funds advanced.  See Collins v.                     
         Commissioner, 3 F.3d 625, 631 (2d Cir. 1993), affg. T.C. Memo.                
              There was no loan agreement between the various Kanter                   
         entities and Ballard or Lisle.  There was never any attempt to                
         collect on the receivables until after the IRS began questioning              
         the bona fides of the loans.  By that time the loans had already              
         been written off as worthless.  Even then Ballard and Lisle                   
         denied that they had any obligation to repay.  There is no doubt              
         that the distribution payments to Ballard and Lisle were not                  
              Similarly, there is no doubt that the payments made by KWJ               
         Corp. and the KWJ partnership to Ballard and Lisle's adult                    
         children were not for services rendered by the children.                      
              From 1982, KWJ Corp. and the KWJ Co. partnership paid the                
         Lisle and Ballard children the following amounts as consulting                
                      Lisle Children            Ballard Children                       
         Year    Thomas Lisle Amy Albrecht  Melinda Ballard Karen Hart                 
         1982      $7,000       $7,000         $7,000            --                    
         1983      12,000       12,000         12,000            --                    
         1984      12,000       12,000         12,000          $2,000                  
         1985      12,000       11,000         12,000          12,000                  
         1986      12,000       13,000         12,000          12,000                  
         1987      12,000       12,000         12,000          12,000                  
         1988      12,000       12,000         12,000          12,000                  
              During 1989, KWJ Co. paid the Lisle and the Ballard children             
         $36,000.  Of the $36,000 paid to the children in 1989, Lisle's                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011