Investment Research Associates - Page 226

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         children received at least $18,000 and Ballard's children                     
         received at least $12,000.                                                    
              Petitioners claim that Thomas Lisle and Melinda Ballard were             
         paid the consulting fees for various services they provided to                
         KWJ Corp. or KWJ Co. (KWJ).  During the timeframe that Thomas                 
         Lisle was receiving $1,000 a month, he was employed elsewhere                 
         full time.  During part of this time, Thomas Lisle was employed               
         with the Vantage Company (Eulich's company).                                  
              Melinda Ballard received $1,000 a month from KWJ from 1983               
         through parts of 1989.  She did not know the nature of KWJ's                  
         business.  Neither Thomas Lisle nor Melinda Ballard ever met or               
         spoke to Freeman.                                                             
              Karen Ballard Hart (Hart) also received $1,000 a month.                  
         During the time that Hart was receiving $1,000 a month from KWJ,              
         she was employed elsewhere.                                                   
              Hart testified that the "service" she performed was to                   
         attend Urban Land Institute and Hotel Industry meetings.  After               
         she attended these meetings, she would sometimes tell Kanter what             
         she had heard at the meetings, and sometimes she would not tell               
         him what she had heard.  Half of the time, Kanter was at the same             
         meetings she attended.  Hart described her role as "more of a                 
         general hotel industry trend thing" that she would tell Kanter                
         about whenever she was asked.  She did not know that she                      
         supposedly worked for KWJ.  The $1,000 a month that Hart received             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011