Investment Research Associates - Page 242

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              (2) he testified that he did not know whether Walters had                
         transacted any business with Prudential when Ballard was at                   
         Prudential and that he was not involved with the Ramada                       
         Renaissance property; yet he met with Schaffel and Walters to                 
         finalize the financing of the Cherry Creek Place II and the                   
         Ramada Renaissance properties;                                                
              (3) he testified that Prudential did not purchase the                    
         Schnitzer-PMS stock because, apart from the potential conflict of             
         interest, Prudential did not have any business to give to                     
         Schnitzer-PMS; yet Prudential started giving Schnitzer-PMS                    
         substantial business;                                                         
              (4) he testified that he had no involvement and no meetings              
         with Connolly other than seeing him at the Gateway hotel; yet he              
         is the person who introduced Connolly to Eulich for purposes of               
         setting up the Essex arrangement.                                             
              Finally, we find Ballard's testimony vague, evasive, and                 
         unreliable as to the kickback payments in the face of                         
         overwhelming evidence to the contrary.                                        
              Ballard's pattern of consistent and substantial                          
         underreporting of income, when accompanied by the other indicia               
         indicating an intent to conceal income, justifies our finding                 
         that Ballard's underpayment of tax attributable to income he                  
         omitted from transactions involving the Five is attributable to               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011