Investment Research Associates - Page 260

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         that the commitment fees paid to Century Industries were actually             
         earned by Kanter and assigned by him to Century Industries.                   
         Respondent now concedes that half the fees were for services                  
         provided by Weisgal.  Kanter contends that before Century                     
         Industries would consider investing in a proposed venture,                    
         Century Industries charged commitment fees for evaluating the                 
         proposed investment, and, thus, the fees are income of the                    
         partnership.  Additionally, for the 1983, 1984, and 1986 taxable              
         years, Kanter maintains that the Court does not have subject-                 
         matter jurisdiction to decide the deficiencies related to the                 
         commitment fees determined in the notices of deficiencies because             
         he contends for those years Century Industries is subject to the              
         partnership audit and litigation provisions found in subchapter C             
         of chapter 63 of subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code.  These              
         provisions, sections 6221 through 6233 (collectively referred to              
         for convenience as the TEFRA partnership provisions), are                     
         generally applicable to specified partnerships and other entities             
         filing partnership returns for taxable years beginning after                  
         September 4, 1982.  Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of               
         1982 (TEFRA), Pub. L. 97-248, sec. 407(a)(1), (3), 96 Stat. 324,              
              Under the TEFRA partnership provisions, the tax treatment of             
         partnership items must be determined at the partnership level.                
         Sec. 6221.  A partnership item must be considered solely in the               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011