Investment Research Associates - Page 265

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         the services or that less than half of the fees is his income.                
         We hold, therefore, that one half of the commitment fees received             
         by Century Industries for the taxable years 1981, 1982, 1983,                 
         1984, and 1986 are includable in Kanter's income for those years.             
         Issue 3.  Whether Kanter Received Unreported Income From Hi-                  
         Chicago Trust for 1981, 1982, and 1983                                        
                                  FINDINGS OF FACT                                     
              In notices of deficiency for 1981, 1982, and 1983,                       
         respondent determined that Kanter failed to report income                     
         received from the Hi-Chicago Trust (HCT) in the amounts of                    
         $42,720, $19,247, and $109,399, respectively.                                 
              At trial and in a stipulation of settled issues, Kanter                  
         conceded the unreported income adjustment for 1981 but did not                
         concede the adjustments for 1982 and 1983 or the additions to tax             
         for 1981, 1982, and 1983 relating thereto.                                    
              HCT was established on March 6, 1972, by and between                     
         Benjamin Markowe, as grantor, and Kanter, as trustee.  The                    
         beneficiaries of HCT were Sylvia Federman (the wife of Hyman L.               
         Federman (Federman)) and the children of Federman and Sylvia                  
         Federman; namely Miles Federman, Ruth Silverstone, and Joan                   
         Priver.  The HCT agreement conferred broad powers upon the                    
         trustee, including, but not limited to, the power to buy and sell             
         property and pay any reasonable compensation to the trustees.                 
         Kanter served as trustee from the inception of the HCT through at             

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