Investment Research Associates - Page 606

                                       - 99 -                                         
               Effective January 1, 1986, a new Gateway Corp./Essex                   
          agreement reduced Essex's share of Gateway Corp.'s fees from the            
          operations of the Gateway Hotel and the Midland Hotel from 75               
          percent to 40 percent.                                                      
               Although Eulich-Management was sold by Eulich to an                    
          unrelated company called Aircoa in 1986, Eulich-Management                  
          continued to participate as a partner in Essex until about 1990.            
               In early 1990, Gateway Corp. lost the management contracts             
          on the Gateway and Midland hotels and ceased operating.  The                
          Essex partnership terminated by 1991.                                       
               During the years 1982 through 1988, Essex reported the                 
          following amounts as received and/or accrued22 commission fee               
          payments from Gateway Corp. and Eulich-Management:                          
                         Year            Gateway       Eulich-Mgt.                    
                         1982           $234,170       $104,121                       
                         1983           222,557        235,718                        
                         1984           268,663        242,116                        
                         1985           225,487        230,847                        
                         1986           68,000         123,089                        
                         1987           172,963        388,632                        
                         1988           142,761        238,889                        
                         Total     1,334,601           1,563,412                      

          would lose following the expected termination of Eulich-                    
          Management's management contract for the Allentown Hilton, as the           
          Allentown Hilton was then in the process of being sold.                     
               Essex reported its income on the cash method until 1987.               
          For the 1987 taxable year and thereafter Essex reported on the              
          accrual method.                                                             

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