Investment Research Associates - Page 596

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          Dallas, Texas.  Eulich had known Ballard and Lisle since at least           
          1965.  Eulich dealt with Ballard and Lisle in connection with               
          Prudential's financing his real estate development work, when               
          Ballard and Lisle worked in Prudential's Houston regional                   
          office.14  Eulich was also a close personal friend of A.N.                  
          Pritzker.  Eulich met Kanter through Pritzker in the late 1960's            
          or early 1970's.   Kanter and Eulich had many business dealings             
          with each other.  Kanter helped raise capital for some of                   
          Eulich's business ventures.                                                 
               Eulich's real estate development activities were primarily             
          conducted through Vantage, Inc., a corporation that he owned.  In           
          1968, Eulich acquired Rodeway Inns, a company that owned a small            
          chain of garden court motels.  Over the years,  Rodeway Inns                
          increased the number of its motels.  Rodeway Inns and Eulich                
          obtained financing from Prudential for the acquisition of many of           
          the additional motels.  From 1968 through about 1973, Eulich                
          dealt with Ballard in securing the financing from Prudential for            
          Rodeway Inns.                                                               
               In about 1974, Eulich and Prudential became dissatisfied               
          with the performance of the hotel management company that was               
          managing and operating 16 Rodeway Inns motels that had been                 
          financed by Prudential.  Eulich decided to establish his own                

               After Lisle began working for Travelers in 1982, he dealt              
          with Eulich in connection with the managing of Travelers'                   

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