Investment Research Associates - Page 588

                                       - 81 -                                         
               In 1974, Schnitzer approached Ballard (who Schnitzer had               
          known for many years and previously had dealt with in developing            
          office buildings in Houston, Texas) and offered to have Century             
          give Prudential a 50-percent stock interest in Schnitzer-PMS.               
          Although Prudential would not be required to pay for the 50-                
          percent Schnitzer-PMS stock interest, Schnitzer hoped Prudential            
          would award Schnitzer-PMS a large number of additional property             
          management contracts.  Ballard informed his superiors at                    
          Prudential of Schnitzer's offer.                                            
               Initially, Prudential was interested in Schnitzer's offer              
          and invited Schnitzer to Prudential's Newark, New Jersey,                   
          corporate headquarters for further meetings and discussions with            
          Prudential's management.  Schnitzer met with Prudential's senior            
          executives and corporate headquarters staff, including                      
          Prudential's chairman, and with Knab (who headed Prudential's               
          real estate department).  Prudential was particularly interested            
          in standardizing the reports it received on the operation of its            
          various commercial real properties around the country.  However,            
          Prudential ultimately declined Schnitzer's offer because of the             
          substantial number of pension plans whose real estate investment            
          accounts Prudential managed.  Prudential believed that having an            
          ownership interest in Schnitzer-PMS might be a potential conflict           
          of interest and might present problems under the pension laws.              

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