Investment Research Associates - Page 582

                                       - 75 -                                         
                         Year             Amount                                      
                         1979           $100,000                                      
                         1980           244,920                                       
                         1981           361,525                                       
                         1982           447,450                                       
                         1983           30,981                                        
                         Total          1,184,876                                     
               After Ballard and Lisle left Prudential, Schaffel no longer            
          negotiated any transactions with Prudential.                                
          2.   Schaffel/Travelers Transactions                                        
               Lisle left Prudential in late 1981.  He was employed by                
          Travelers from April 1982 until April 1988.  After Lisle began              
          working for Travelers, Schaffel met with Lisle and others from              
          Travelers.  Thereafter, Schaffel began brokering substantial                
          business dealings with Travelers on behalf of Torcon and Walters.           
               The first project Walters entered into with Travelers was              
          Stanford Place II. By check dated November 9, 1983, Schaffel                
          paid IRA $213,750 of the fee earned from Stanford Place II.                 
          After that payment, Schaffel stopped paying IRA a share of the              
          fees earned on business deals with Travelers.  Sometime during              
          1984, Kanter contacted Schaffel and asked why IRA was not                   
          receiving 50 percent of Schaffel's fees on Travelers                        
          transactions.  Schaffel took the position that the August 2,                
          1979, agreement did not apply to deals with Travelers after Lisle           
          had left Prudential.  Kanter disagreed and maintained that the              
          August 2, 1979, agreement continued to apply.                               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011