Investment Research Associates - Page 572

                                               - 65 -                                 
                              Year              Zeus                                  
                              1980              $127,372                              
                              1981              105,764                               
                              1982              538,781                               
                              1983               110,125                              
                              Total             882,042                               
                              1984              103,500                               
                              1985               128,763                              
                              Total             232,263                               
               The second letter agreement was from Frey to Kanter as                 
          president of Holding Co. and specifically excluded developers'              
          fees from projects involving Prudential properties (covered in              
          the Zeus agreement) but included other amounts related to                   
          projects involving Prudential.  The letter agreement referred to            
          "Participation in Condominium Conversions" and provided:                    
                    As requested, we are writing to confirm our prior                 
               agreement regarding the participation by us and our                    
               affiliates in capital contributions, profits and losses                
               and Developers' Fees (excluding Developers' Fees in                    
               condominium conversions of properties of or for The                    
               Prudential Insurance Company of America and excluding                  
               legal, management or any other fees, which shall be                    
               retained by the recipients) in condominium conversions                 
               of properties.                                                         
                    The provisions of this letter agreement shall                     
               apply in the case of condominium conversions of those                  
               properties listed below and any other condominium                      
               conversions in which we agree to participate.  Each of                 
               us may terminate this agreement at any time on forty-                  
               five (45) days or more prior written notice.  The                      
               termination, however, shall be effective only with                     
               respect to new condominium conversions (i.e.                           
               conversions of properties not under discussion between                 
               us or otherwise in process on the last day of the                      
               forty-five (45) day period).                                           
                    The participation in capital contributions and                    
               profits and losses shall be as follows:                                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011