Investment Research Associates - Page 569

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          in the partnership.  Zion was required to make an initial                   
          contribution of $108,014 for its 6.66-percent interest in the               
          partnership.  In the event of certain circumstances, the partners           
          agreed to make additional contributions to the partnership.  The            
          partnership agreement provided that the partnership would                   
          reimburse or credit the capital accounts of the Frey corporation,           
          Frey, Wold, and Zion for "the advances made by them in                      
          negotiating, entering into and performing the terms and                     
          conditions of Purchase and Sale Contract and Contractual                    
               Following Prudential's sale of the Village of Kings Creek              
          property, the executive in the Miami regional office who had                
          dealt with Frey in the sale approached Frey about converting                
          another Prudential apartment property in Florida into                       
          condominiums.  Beginning with this property, Prudential                     
          participated in a number of successful condominium conversion               
          projects with Frey.  Most of these projects that Frey and                   
          Prudential undertook were joint ventures.                                   
               Frey did not have to raise much capital to engage in these             
          joint venture projects with Prudential, because Prudential owned            
          the apartment property to be converted and participated as co-              
          owner in a joint venture to convert and sell the property as                
          condominium units.  Prudential would contribute the property and            
          receive (1) all initial condominium unit sale proceeds up to a              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011