Investment Research Associates - Page 516

                                       - 56 -                                         
               Attached is the check from the Hyatt Corporation in the                
               amount of $245,843.00, which represents K.W.J.'s                       
               commission for the year ending December 31, 1982.                      
               Will you please deposit and issue appropriate checks to                
               the participants.                                                      
               This represents approximately the same amount as last                  
               year, per the attached balance sheet.                                  
               By August 1983, Weaver advised IRA that he wanted to modify            
          his arrangement with KWJ Corp.  The new arrangement provided that           
          Weaver could retire from any and all activities with respect to             
          KWJ at any time after December 31, 1983.  Weaver would continue             
          to receive 30 percent of any amount received by KWJ Corp. from              
          Hyatt Corp. with respect to the management contract of the                  
          Embarcadero Hotel.  Weaver's 30-percent interest would pass to              
          his estate or such other specific persons as he might designate             
          in writing.                                                                 
               In December 1983, KWJ Corp. was liquidated, and its assets             
          were distributed to IRA.  On January 2, 1984, IRA's new                     
          subsidiaries BWK, Inc. (managed by Kanter), Carlco (managed by              
          Lisle), and TMT (managed by Ballard) formed a partnership called            
          KWJ Co. (KWJ Co. partnership).  Carlco and TMT each had a 45-               
          percent interest in the KWJ Co. partnership, and BWK had a 10-              
          percent interest in the partnership.  Hyatt Corp. was not                   
          informed about the liquidation of KWJ Corp. or the formation of             
          the KWJ Co. partnership at the time of the liquidation and                  

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