Investment Research Associates - Page 450

                                       - 50 -                                         
          San Francisco.  The joint venture participants sought an                    
          experienced major hotel management company to operate the hotel             
          under a long-term management contract.  Del Webb (Webb), a well-            
          known hotel operator and owner of a large hotel management                  
          company, and Intercontinental Co., another large hotel management           
          company, were competing for the management contract.  A.N.                  
          Pritzker wanted the Hyatt Corp. to obtain the management contract           
          for the Embarcadero Hotel; the hotel would become the third or              
          fourth Hyatt-operated hotel in the United States at which major             
          conventions could be held.                                                  
               Lisle was supervising development of the Embarcadero Hotel             
          for Prudential and was involved in the selection of a management            
          company to manage the hotel.  Although Hyatt Corp. was about to             
          enter into the long-term management contract to operate the                 
          Houston Hyatt Hotel owned by Prudential and Tenneco Corp., Lisle            
          was not interested in having the Hyatt Corp. manage the                     
          Embarcadero Hotel.                                                          
               Pritzker offered to pay Weaver, who had worked with Ballard            
          in developing the Houston Hyatt Hotel, a portion of the                     
          management fees if Weaver helped Hyatt Corp. obtain the                     
          management contract for the Embarcadero Hotel.  Weaver then                 
          persuaded Lisle to consider Hyatt Corp. for the Embarcadero                 
          Hotel's management contract.                                                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011