Investment Research Associates - Page 483

                                       - 53 -                                         
               During the period when Weaver and Hyatt were disputing the             
          computation of Weaver's share of the management fees, Kanter and            
          Weaver agreed that IRA would purchase the stock of KWJ Corp.  In            
          a letter to Kanter dated March 10, 1976, Weaver confirmed "our              
          understanding regarding my granting to your client a right to               
          purchase all of the outstanding shares of stock of KWJ Corp." for           
          $150,000.  The letter further provided that in addition to the              
          purchase price for the KWJ Corp. stock, KWJ Corp. would continue            
          to engage Weaver as its president and chief operating officer.              
          In addition, Weaver was to receive 30 percent of all payments               
          made by Hyatt Corp. under the contract with KWJ Corp. for as long           
          as the contract was in existence, regardless of whether he                  
          performed any services for KWJ Corp.                                        
               At that time, Hyatt Corp. was in the process of becoming               
          privately owned, and Kanter did not want the transfer of the KWJ            
          Corp. stock to take place until after Hyatt Corp. became                    
          privately owned.  Therefore, the agreement was framed as an offer           
          to sell the stock for a period of 4 years.                                  
               On March 14, 1977, Hyatt Corp. paid KWJ Corp. $54,848 for              
          fees earned during 1976.  Sometime prior to November 1978, Hyatt            
          Corp.'s management contract with the hotel was modified, and                
          Hyatt Corp. wanted to revise its agreement with KWJ Corp.  By               
          letter dated November 14, 1978, Hyatt Corp. notified Weaver that,           
          under the proposed change, KWJ Corp. would have been overpaid by            

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