Investment Research Associates - Page 472

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          was the principal factor in bringing Hyatt Corp. and the owners             
          of the Embarcadero Hotel together and aiding in the negotiations.           
               Over the period from about 1972 through 1994, Prudential               
          eventually built a total of about 10 large, major-convention-size           
          hotels that Hyatt Corp. managed for it.  During discussions about           
          Hyatt Corp.'s obtaining the management contract on one of the               
          first of these other hotels built after the Embarcadero Hotel,              
          Pritzker discussed Weaver's finder's fee with respect to the                
          Embarcadero Hotel's management contract with Ballard and Lisle.             
          Pritzker told Ballard and Lisle that Hyatt Corp.'s payment of               
          this finder's fee was a one-time occurrence.  Pritzker told them            
          that no similar finder's fees would be paid with respect to                 
          future management contracts that Hyatt Corp. obtained for other             
          Prudential hotels.                                                          
               The Embarcadero Hotel opened in May 1973.  In early 1975, a            
          dispute arose between Weaver and Hyatt Corp. with regard to the             
          commission due for 1974.  A Hyatt Corp. official informed Weaver            
          that the Embarcadero Hotel did not generate a net profit for                
          1974.  Weaver claimed that Hyatt Corp. was entitled to $623,201             
          under its agreement with Prudential and that he was entitled to             
          10 percent of those fees.  Pritzker responded that Weaver's share           
          of the fees should bear his share of the home office expenses.              
          By November of 1975, Weaver and Hyatt Corp. had settled the                 

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