Investment Research Associates - Page 494

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          $54,848 for 1976 and would be due $12,095 for 1977.  By letter              
          dated November 21, 1978, Weaver informed Kanter of the proposed             
          changes in the Hyatt arrangement.  The letter indicated that                
          Weaver would call Kanter to discuss the proposed change.  In a              
          letter to Hyatt Corp. dated November 30, 1978, Weaver stated that           
          the KWJ Corp. contract would not be affected by any modifications           
          to Hyatt Corp.'s Embarcadero Hotel contract.  On December 12,               
          1978, Hyatt Corp. paid KWJ Corp. $60,739 for 1977.                          
               In February 1979, Hyatt Corp. had become a privately owned             
          entity.  By letter dated September 27, 1979, Kanter informed                
          Weaver that Kanter wanted to proceed with the purchase of the KWJ           
          Corp. stock, effective retroactively to November 1, 1978.  IRA              
          purchased 100 percent of KWJ Corp.'s outstanding shares of stock            
          from Weaver.  IRA was to pay $10,000 of the purchase price in               
          November 1979 and the balance by August 1980.                               
               As a result of IRA's purchase of the KWJ Corp. stock, KWJ              
          Corp. was included as a subsidiary on IRA's 1979 consolidated               
          return.  The 1979 consolidated return reported KWJ Corp.'s 1979             
          gross receipts of $171,027 and payment of the 30 percent fee to             
          Weaver of $51,308.  The 1979 consolidated return reflected KWJ              
          Corp.'s assets, liabilities, and net worth as of January 1, 1979,           
          as follows:                                                                 

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